Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HW 7: "My So Called Blog"

I believe middle school kids have every right to keep personal blogs online with out monitoring from their parents. Instant Messaging, e-mailing, and blogs will at some point influence their lives socially, educationally, and even politically. Parents shouldn’t steer their kids away from these tools, instead they should push them toward them. Personally I know that these new technologies can and will help kids socially. I was also unaware blogs can help improve one’s social life as well. When commenting on one of her interviewees in “My So-Called Blog", Emily Nussbaum herself says:
“Once J. decided to switch to LiveJournal, LiverJournal began changing him in turn. Perhaps he was adjusting himself to reflect the way he is online assertive and openly emotional, more than a bit bratty. He’d become more comfortable talking to girls.” (Kline and Burnstein 351)
In other words, Nussbaum is saying after keeping an online journal this kid has changed for the better and became more social able. Parents need to encourage kids to expand themselves socially, if that means they should write an online journal then so be it.

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